What to Expect

What Does an Initial Consultation Look Like?

  • As you step into our clinic we will greet you and make you feel at ease. We understand that every individual's journey is unique, and we're here to support you.

  • Your initial consult starts with a thorough assessment. We'll discuss your medical history, any current concerns, and your health goals. This information helps us create a tailored approach that's right for you.

  • We believe in open communication. We'll actively listen to your experiences, questions, and expectations. This helps us gain a holistic understanding of your needs.

  • We'll explain our approach and any recommended treatments or therapies. We want you to be informed and empowered in your health decisions.

  • Based on your assessment and discussions, we'll design a personalised care plan just for you. This plan takes into account your goals, preferences, and any special considerations.

  • Your input is invaluable. We'll discuss the proposed plan with you, answer any questions, and adjust it as needed. Our goal is to work together for your well-being.

  • Before you leave, we'll schedule follow-up sessions or any necessary appointments. We're committed to guiding you on your health journey, step by step.

  • Our aim is not just to provide treatment, but to empower you with the knowledge and tools to actively participate in your own care.

Our services and fees

  • Standard Consultation


  • Long Consultation


  • NDIS / DVA

    In line with current NDIS and DVA pricing guidelines.

  • Home Visits

    Contact the clinic for a quote.